Senomix Timesheets
On July 25th, 2011, Senomix Software Inc. released version 3.41 of Senomix Timesheets. The following new functionality was added for that version:
- A "Billable" checkbox has been added to system timesheets, allowing employees to designate time as being billable or non-billable as time is entered or recorded via stopwatch. Exports to third party applications (such as QuickBooks and Peachtree accounting) will now designate imported time as being billable or non-billable based upon that timesheet attribute.
- Projects can now be grouped together in Project Groups for reporting purposes, similar to the existing User Group functionality. For example, all projects relating to a specific client, or all projects relating to a certain type of work, can now be examined together in a single report using Project Groups.
- Reports can now be filtered to display time for activities and tasks regardless of the project under which that time was recorded. For example, a report could now be created to display all hours recorded for all "Analysis" work for all projects, or to "Phone Interviews" for all "Administrative" employees for projects in the "Pending Projects" group.
- An introduction to this and other reporting functionality now available in Senomix Timesheets can be found in the new "Quick Reference for Senomix Reports" guide available on the documentation page.
- Reports can now be filtered for hours or amounts which are only billable, only non-billable, or items which are both billable and non-billable.
- "Billable Vs. Non-Billable" reports are now available for use in displaying hours and calculated billing amounts for those categories of work in a single report.
- Invoices can now be created to included only billable or only non-billable amounts. The non-billable invoice can be used to itemize amounts which would have been billed if the corresponding hours were recorded as being billable.
- A "CSV" (comma separated values) data export report is now available for both timesheet and expense claim records. This allows direct export to applications capable of reading CSV files (such as Microsoft Access), or to read the data export directly in Microsoft Excel (as with other system reports).
- Users can now be designated as 'stopwatch-only', which restricts their time entry to only use of the system stopwatch. Timestamps are automatically added to user comments for stopwatch-only users, with all timesheet edit and listing access blocked for those stopwatch-only users.
- Users can now be designated as 'non-time entering', which prevents that user account from counting against a user license total. The user is blocked from entering any timesheet information in the system for themselves, but can still administer the system, generate reports or perform any other task other than entering information for their own user account.
- For example, if your office had 30 people, with two individuals only using Senomix Timesheets to generate reports and approve system timesheets (but not entering time themselves), those two users could be designated 'non-time entering', with your office only requiring 28 user seats for your Senomix Timesheets license.
- Report performance for larger analysis reports has been considerably improved, with report creation speed up to 95% faster than before. Most offices will not notice much of a difference (report creation speed will change from 0.5 seconds to 0.1 seconds) but larger offices will see an immediate impact, with larger reports which previously required a few minutes' wait now being created in a few seconds.
- As with other system reports, spreadsheet reports will now display the identifier attribute for activity and task items when specified, in addition to displaying the identifier at the project level.
- A second signature line has been added to the printable timesheet to allow for a manager/supervisor signature.
- Google Chrome can now be selected as the web browser used to display output reports.
- E-mail reminders can now be set to use "Secure SMTP" for secure SSL connections to e-mail servers. This allows the use of Gmail and other secure servers for the sending of e-mail reminder messages.
- The BlackBerry application for Senomix Timesheets is now compatible with the upcoming BlackBerry o/s 7.
- Bug fix: As of Java version 6 Update 25 (released by Oracle on April 11th, 2011), the display of drop-down combo boxes for selection of Project/Activity/Task values on a timesheet was displayed in a truncated fashion for some customers using Macintosh computers, and also for some Windows and Linux users operating the timesheet applications via Java Web Start. The incompatibility introduced by that Java update has now been corrected.
Senomix Software Inc.
86 Gerrard St East, Suite 16B
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M5B 2J1
(416) 803-9705
86 Gerrard St East, Suite 16B
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M5B 2J1
(416) 803-9705
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Track Time and Expenses
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