Senomix Timesheets

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On February 6th, 2012, Senomix Software Inc. released version 4.1 of Senomix Timesheets. The following new functionality was added for that version:

  • Expense tracking is now available in the timesheet entry and administration applications, with expense claim entry and associated reports replacing the old expense notes functionality with detailed logging of expenses by expense type, day, and vendor for billable and non-billable items recorded by your office.
  • Projects can now be assigned to your system users, restricting the display of projects in the timesheet entry application to only those which have been assigned.
  • As with previous system versions, a user without any specific project assignments will be able to access all active projects for their system timesheets and expense claims.
  • If projects have been assigned to a user, system reports created in the Reports application will now be restricted to only display information related to the projects to which that report-creating user has been assigned.
  • As with previous system versions, an administrative user creating reports from the Administration application will be able to view all project work, regardless of their project assignments.
  • Employees can now be assigned to be in the scope of responsibility for specific system users (for example, a manager of a group of staff) to allow for timesheet approval and report creation limited to only those assigned users.
  • If users have been assigned to an employee, system reports created in the Reports application will now be restricted to only display information related to those assigned user accounts.
  • As with previous system versions, an administrative user creating reports from the Administration application will be able to view work for all employees, regardless of their user assignments.
  • A managerial user can now approve timesheets for users assigned to them through use of an 'Approve Timesheets' screen provided in the Timesheet Entry application. Administration access rights are no longer necessary for a manager to provide timesheet approval.
  • Expense types can now be specified by your office for the entry of various expense claim items.
  • Vendors can now be specified by your office for association with entered expense claims.
  • Both Vendor and Expense Type items can now be imported from the QuickBooks Vendors and Chart of Accounts.
  • Expense Claims entered in Senomix Timesheets can now be exported to QuickBooks Vendor Bills.
  • Expense Claims can now be reported upon in a direct expense claim listing, with report filters for billing codes, bill state, etc. available for that listing, as with system timesheet reports.
  • Office expenses can now be listed by item in system reports. As with all other new expense reports, the full report data filter functionality provided for system time tracking reports is also available.
  • Office expenses can now be listed by expense type in system reports, providing a consolidated view of the different types (for example, taxes, travel, hotel, meals, etc.) of expenses recorded for your office's work.
  • Office expenses can now be listed by vendor in system reports, allowing you to identify the amounts paid to various suppliers for recorded expenses.
  • A printable expense claim can be created from the timesheet entry application for signature or other purposes which require a physical copy of the claim.
  • Providing an additional safeguard against accidental record deletion, the 'Delete' and 'Delete All' buttons in the Timesheet and Expense Claim Administration screens are now disabled by default. These buttons can be enabled for a user's login session through a new 'enable record deletion' button provided in the Administration application's settings screen.
  • The Timesheet Listing screen of the timesheet entry application will now display all timesheets entered by an employee for all time (rather than just the previous six months of work).
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Timesheet App Improvements for February 2012

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